We’ve got your back-end covered at Peak11, thanks to Node.js 

Node.js is a powerful web development tool, focused on the back-end services for websites and applications. Powered by Google’s V8 engine, it can operate the server-side part of your digital product, ensuring a speedy and high-quality service. On top of that, it goes hand in hand with our front-end development services using technologies such as React Native.

Get to know the Node.js environment

While it’s often mistaken for a framework, Node.js is a runtime environment. It takes care of executing Javascript code on servers. Until its release in 2009, most servers required architecture built in different, more complicated and less efficient languages. Currently JavaScript can be used for both front-end and back-end development, streamlining the whole process. With its simplicity, power and versatility, no wonder it is the technology of choice for giants like Netflix, PayPal, LinkedIn, Twitter, and eBay.

_ Live Data Handling

Services such as streaming, live chats and social media rely on live data handling. These kinds of operations are what Node.js is particularly good at. This versatility makes a great variety of online services possible. 

_ Node Package Manager

The Node Package Manager takes care of all the components used to put together the backend applications, from finding and downloading them, to managing their dependencies and making sure everything is in the right place.

_ V8 JavaScript Engine

JavaScript is normally intended for operation within an internet browser. The V8 Javascript Engine allows it to be used outside of a browser, expanding the possibilities of its use, and enabling its utilization as a back-end framework.

_ RESTful APIs

Their task is to facilitate data exchange between computer systems over the internet. They follow the latest software communication standards to provide efficient, reliable and safe information exchange services.

Ensure a reliable back-end service with Node.js

One of the greatest strengths of Node.js is its ability to handle many requests simultaneously, thanks to its non-blocking, event-driven architecture. This means that the servers won’t get blocked even during high traffic. It ensures that things can run smoothly no matter what service is offered, from simple, lightweight web pages, to demanding tasks like video streaming. While Node.js is a powerful back-end tool, and that is what we usually use it for, it is not limited to that alone. It can also handle desktop apps, microservices, API development, IoT (Internet of Things) applications, and even game development. 

01 _ Streamlined

JavaScript is one of the most developer-friendly languages, saving us precious time and effort, so we can build your product quickly and efficiently. 

02 _ Scalable

Node.js was made with growth and expansion in mind. With its optimized features, the only worry is finding more server space.

03 _ Supported

With many big names relying on it, such as Netflix and PayPal, Node.js is one of the best kept-up digital technologies of our time. 

04 _ Versatile

While its main use comes in the form of building the back-end of apps and websites, it offers many other possibilities, like microservices and IoT management.

05 _ High-Performance

Node.js is all about efficiency. Paired with the powerful V8 engine, it forms a powerful back-end and provides a solid foundation for the front-end.

06 _ Cross-Platform

The platform of your app or website doesn't make a difference. Node.js can work equally well as the back-end for iOS, Android, Web, and more. 

Strong and secure back-end begins with Peak11’s experience

We’re not talking out of our back-end when we say our back-end services are a great choice! We will work hard to make the most of the functionality provided to us by Node.js and all the other tools at our disposal, and provide you with a stable and reliable back-end service for your app or website that will be able to scale to your needs.

Professional Approach

Code reviews

Due diligence to prevent unstable code from shipping to customers


A well-established agile software development technique

Quality Assurance

Tests and efforts taken that ensure a product meets top standards

Continuous Delivery

An approach to producing software in short cycles

Exceptions Monitoring

A way of testing to gain early insights into production problems


The environment for testing before launching the product live

Top-rated Tools


We make the most out of the world’s top code hosting service

Github Actions

That’s our default continuous integration solution

Slack & Jira

We run our daily communication and track issues with these tools


An app monitoring platform to find answers - not clues

Code Climate

Provides code quality evaluations and progess over time reports


Cloud solutions for increased flexibility, scalability, and reliability

Unsure about the best tech to use?

Get in touch, and together with you, we’ll make sure you are geared and bundled up right to reach the peak you’re seeking.

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Peak11 Team

We will work hard to make the most of the functionality provided to us by Node.js and provide you with a reliable back-end service for your app that will scale to your needs.

Peak11 Team