At Peak11 we will build your native iOS app from the ground up 

In a mobile-first world, apps can be the key to connecting with clients. Why not rely on the superior speed and quality of a bespoke iOS application? Maybe you already have an Android app, and need its iOS counterpart, or maybe you’re starting from scratch. In either case, let our competent and experienced team bring your idea to life with the exceptional power of Apple’s suite of devices and the vast wisdom of their design guidelines.

The pillars of native iOS development

iOS development starts with Swift and Objective-C. These programming languages form the heart of each iOS app, from iPhones and iPads to Apple Vision Pro. At Peak11, we leverage their power to build apps that stand out, stand their ground, and stand the test of time, thanks to our team’s commitment to quality.

_ Swift & Objective-C

These programming languages are the backbone of every iOS application. Fast, safe, and powerful, they have been optimized for flexibility and ease of use, so that we can focus on building your app, distraction-free.

_ Platform-Specific Features

Buttery-smooth and lightning-fast access to features like biometrics, geolocation, Bluetooth, AR/VR, and integration with iCloud and Apple Pay are achieved through code that is tailor-made for the iOS system.

_ Apple Human Interface Guidelines

A set of design principles, from icon design and basic controls to designing for accessibility. They are there to help us make each app into a beautiful and intuitive experience.

_ XCode

Apple’s integrated development environment provides all the tools needed for app creation, testing and distribution for the entire Apple ecosystem. Latest updates make the process even more streamlined.

Trust the excellent technology behind native iOS development

XCode is Apple’s IDE (Integrated Development Environment), a robust tool for building apps from scratch. Within it, the Interface Builder and UIKit help put together standard UI elements quickly, while SwiftUI allows for extensive customization to achieve the desired look.  The Simulator, Debugger and Test Navigator are there to let us make sure everything runs smoothly. With these tools our team will put together and thoroughly test, debug and optimize your app, so that you can receive the best product possible.

01 _ Streamlined

With native development, there is nothing getting in the way of the code, resulting in apps that are a fast, seamless, and beautiful experience.

02 _ High Quality

Dedicated apps achieve a high level of polish, tailored specifically to the strengths and capabilities of their platform, without sacrifices.

03 _ Secure

Native apps utilize the built-in security features of iOS, such as secure data storage, encryption, and advanced authentication methods, to keep your and your clients’ data safe.

04 _ Cutting-Edge

An app written specifically for iOS allows for implementation of the newest functionality as soon as it becomes available. No need to wait for third parties to catch up. 

05 _ Scalable

Expanding the scope of the app’s backend to accommodate a growing user base and increased engagement poses no problem. 

06 _ Dependable

Developing apps natively is building on a solid foundation, ensuring that optimal performance will be easy to maintain for years to come. 

Put your faith in Peak11’s iOS development expertise

Native iOS app development is our bread and butter here at Peak 11. We are always excited to work on new projects with both new and long-time clients. Whether you need an app built from scratch or another set of eyes on an app you are developing through consultations, you can rest easy knowing your project and your brand are in good hands.

Professional Approach

Code reviews

Due diligence to prevent unstable code from shipping to customers


A well-established agile software development technique

Quality Assurance

Tests and efforts taken that ensure a product meets top standards

Continuous Delivery

An approach to producing software in short cycles

Exceptions Monitoring

A way of testing to gain early insights into production problems


The environment for testing before launching the product live

Top-rated Tools


We make the most out of the world’s top code hosting service

Github Actions

That’s our default continuous integration solution

Slack & Jira

We run our daily communication and track issues with these tools


An app monitoring platform to find answers - not clues

Code Climate

Provides code quality evaluations and progess over time reports


Cloud solutions for increased flexibility, scalability, and reliability

Unsure about the best tech to use?

Get in touch, and together with you, we’ll make sure you are geared and bundled up right to reach the peak you’re seeking.

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Hektar Nektar
TryOn Kit
Design Pad
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Projekt 2028
Vision Express
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Peak11 Team

Native iOS app development is our bread and butter here at Peak 11. We are always excited to work on new projects with both new and long-time clients.

Peak11 Team